Each RealTeam participant needs a RealTeam login. You can either create a RealTeam account or login with your Cloud Backup account. However, if you would like, you can use the same login as your Cloud Backup account. Once you have created your account, you can log into RealTeam. If you want to automatically log into Realteam each time you open CATalyst, check the, Auto Login to RealTeam at CATalyst startup option.
To create a new RealTeam login do the following:
Anywhere in CATalyst, click the RealTeam Status
icon on the RealTeam toolbar or click File, Realteam Ready. The RealTeam login dialog box displays.
If you have an existing Cloud Backup account, type in your Cloud Backup email and password then click Next. If you do not have a Cloud Backup account, proceed to the next step.
Click the Create New Account Now button. The New Account wizard displays.
In the E-Mail: field, type a valid e-mail address. This email address will be used incase you forget the password and Technical Support needs to reset it. If you don't type an email address that contains the @ sign, a Please enter a valid email message displays.
In the Password field, type a password for your account. The password must be at least 8 characters long and contain at least one letter and one digit. If your password does not include the required password items, a Please follow the rules to enter a valid password message displays and you will need to type a new password.
In the Confirm Password field, type the same password you typed in the Password field. If this password doesn't match the first password you type, the message The passwords don't match displays.
Once you have successfully entered a valid email address and created and confirmed an acceptable password, click Next. At this point, you may want to write down your e-mail address and password.
In the Answer Security Questions dialog box displays with three sets of security questions. Click the down arrow next to Question 1 to see a list of questions. Select a question and type your answer in the appropriate field. Repeat this for Question 2 and Question 3. Two questions and answers will be used in case it is necessary to recover your password. Click Next when finished.
TIP: You can have the same answer for each question. For example: What is your favorite sports team? "Car". Who was your favorite singer or band in high school? "Car". This can make it easier to remember the answers in case you need to reset your password. You may want to write down your questions and answers as well.
The Success dialog box displays. Be sure to write down your login information and store it in a safe location. Click Finish to return to the RealTeam Login dialog box and login.
You will return to the Realteam - Login dialog box with your email and password already filled in. Click Login or Next to login.
Once you have logged in, the RealTeam - Account dialog box appears. To automatically log into RealTeam when your start CATalyst, check the box next to Auto Login to RealTeam at CATalyst Startup, then click Finish.
The RealTeam Status icon turns blue when you are RealTeam Ready.