RTF/CRE is universal file format that retain much of the original file formatting and text attributes. RTF/CRE files allow you to exchange jobs between different CAT systems and possibly dictionaries in writing machines. RTF is an acronym for Rich Text Format. CRE is an acronym for Court Reporter Extension.
Tables, by default, do not export to RTF/CRE but you can change the setting in the RTF/CRE Export Options. Exported tables may require minor adjustments to cell margins and line breaks.
From anywhere in CATalyst, click Function, Export (Alt-u, x).
The Export dialog box displays. On the left side under Export Files, check off the files you want to export. You can export Text files (.sgngl), Notes files (.sgstn), and Dictionaries (.sgdct).
When you have finished check off the files, click Export.
RTF/CRE Export Options
Output Folder - This is the location where the RTF files will be saved. To change the location click the Browse button.
Keep CATalyst Job Name - When this box is checked, CATalyst will name the RTF file with the same name as the checked job. If unchecked, you will be prompted to enter a filename after you click Export.
If original filename already exists, automatically suggest a new name - When this box is checked, if a file with the same name exists in the save location, a save dialog box will appear with "filename_T_1" in the filename box. If unchecked, the save dialog will appear but without a name in the filename box.
Retain Tables- When exporting a file to RTF/CRE format, by default, CATalyst exports the table text but does not export the table format that exists in the file. Check this box to include tables in the exported file. Tables export in table format but may require minor adjustments to the cell margins and line breaks within the cells.